on the 14th july we held our Annual AGM which was dubbed an “Evening of Celebration” and was well attended and showed how much support we at 1st Hardingstone Scout Group has within the community and beyond.
According to The Scout Association Census, January 2022, 1st Hardingstone Scout Group were the largest Scout Group in Northamptonshire and worthy members of “Club 100” 2022. Lee Jones, Deputy County Commissioner (Adult Support), presented the “Club 100” certificate. He said “Scouting in Northamptonshire has seen an increase in membership from last year’s census, with 7 Scout Groups part of “Club 100” for 2022. This only happens due to the amazing Leaders who give up their time to give the young people in the Scout Group so many opportunities and camps.”
The evening was full of achievements with Chief Scout Awards being given out in all sections and Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorer Scout/Young Leader and Band Member of the year were announced and trophies presented accordingly.
1st Hardingstone Scout Group has had a fantastic year so far with the launch of Squirrel Scouts, new Leaders being invested, a Scout Band being formed and a 2nd Beaver Colony planned for opening in the new term. Maybe there needs to be a “Club 200” based on next year’s census!
Well done to all the young people and Leaders on your achievements so far and look forward to being invited to more activities in the future.