Online Scout Manager
All our sections use Online Scout Manager for their admin – as well as holding basic information about your child it also allows us to plan our programme, run events and collect activity payments and subscriptions more easily. When you first join you will be invited to the parent portal. If you are having issues or have any questions please ask your leaders.
Safe and Sound
Make sure you update OSM if you’ve recently moved, changed your phone number or we need to know about any special requirements you child may have. It’s important that we know so we can make sure we all enjoy our Scouting in a safe way.

We’re all Volunteers
Remember all our Leaders are volunteers and don’t get paid for what they do. They are amazing and we thank them for volunteering.
As well as the Leaders you see we have a whole team including our Group executive, fundraisers and adminstrators. If you’re interested in getting more involved talk to your section leader.
Where to buy Uniform
You can buy uniform from our District Shop – they accept both card and cash and you can try on before you buy.
The District sell uniform at less than retail prices and all profits from the Store benefit Scouting locally while providing extraordinary value for money.